Terms and conditions
Why register
To offer an assortment and service to date and accurate, AB & T needs to know who you are, what sector operates and what products you enjoy.
Registration allows you to:
· Make purchases
· Dialogue with us by reporting requirements, comments, suggestions and requests forwarding
Registration is not necessary to be able to navigate the site, but is recommended in order to use all of its options and potential. In addition only those registered may purchase products.
How to register
Registration only takes a few minutes and should be done only once.
Click on "Login" and fill in the fields with the required data. After confirming your registration within a few minutes you'll receive an email confirming registration where you will be given instructions to activate the account you just created.
So you can access all our services and see the price list.
How to buy
After registering you can buy by following these easy steps:
· Select the items you need, using the categories or by entering the product name in the "search" box positioned above categories of products.
- Click on the picture or on the product name to view additional information on the same.
- To add to cart the product selected, enter the desired amount in the "Quantity" below and click on the "Add to cart". To continue shopping click on the "Checkout", but if you want to delete a product click on the "basket" to the right of the product. . After finishing the product selection, click on "Checkout" and view your data header and shipping.
You'll have to select the type of payment (bank transfer, credit card,) and perhaps add notes that are important for delivery, click on "Continue" and you will see the full details of the order. If all data is correct will only have to confirm the order, you can keep a hard copy by clicking "Print Order", it will serve as a reminder and as a test of what you've purchased.
- Complete your purchase path by clicking on "Continue"; It will be automatically sent by e-mail confirmation of receipt of your order.
Il carrello
The cart allows you to keep the products you wish to buy before heading to the cashier, to control the price and quantity and change the quantities of the various products. · To change the quantity of products already included: insert the desired amount in the box of each item and then click "Refresh" .. · To delete one or more products after they are selected click "Delete".